Who is a Stakeholder?

Who is a Stakeholder

A project, organization, or system’s stakeholders are people, groups, or entities with an interest or concern in the outcome. They have the ability to greatly affect or be affected by the decisions, actions, and goals of the relevant entity. Comprehending stakeholders and their respective functions is crucial for efficient administration and decision-making.


Stakeholders can take many different forms: they might be government organisations, local communities, rival businesses, or even employees, consumers, suppliers, and investors. Every stakeholder contributes a different viewpoint, area of interest, or set of expectations. Their participation can influence the project’s or organization’s success and direction.

Types & responsibilities:

Depending on their connections to the entity and their areas of interest, stakeholders take on a variety of responsibilities. The activities and results of the organisation directly affect primary stakeholders, which include consumers, employees, and investors. Conversely, secondary stakeholders, such as the community or regulatory agencies, have an indirect interest. Another way to group stakeholders is by the responsibilities they play:

  • Internal Stakeholders: These are people or organizations that are a part of the company, like management, shareholders, and employees.
  • Outside parties that have an interest in a business, such as suppliers, customers, governments, and communities, are referred to as external stakeholders.
  • Stakeholders with a strategic bent: These include investors and important clients, who have a big say in the organization’s long-term strategy and direction.


The obligations of stakeholders vary based on their roles and areas of interest. These obligations could consist of:

  • Engagement: Taking an active part in the entity’s talks, meetings, or decision-making procedures. Communication: Getting input from other stakeholders, exchanging information, and keeping lines of communication open.
  • Support: Providing assets, knowledge, or help to guarantee the project’s or organization’s success.
  • Compliance: Following any applicable laws, rules, or moral principles that have an influence on the organization. Promoting the entity’s goals or interests within its distinct domains of influence is known as advocacy.