financial goals

How to Invest In SIPs in India Being an NRI

How to Invest In SIPs in India Being an NRI?

Investing in Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) in India as a Non-Resident Indian (NRI) can be a lucrative way to grow your wealth over time. SIPs allow you to invest in mutual funds regularly, making it a convenient and disciplined way to achieve your financial goals. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to invest in SIPs …

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Real Components of Financial Planning

The Real Components of Financial Planning

Financial planning is a very crucial step that every breadwinner must put into his or her habit. Even big firms and organizations undertake such planning to efficiently manage their monetary resources and make it grow. Financial planning involves listing financial goals, curation of strategies to achieve these goals and avoiding debts. Therefore, a well-structured plan …

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5 Money Lessons

5 Money Lessons To Learn This Teachers Day

On this very unique day known as Teachers Day, our mentors who impart us with knowledge and life lessons are acknowledged. Therefore, being the mentors of our own life choices and decisions, it is worth considering five important money lessons that instructors may impart to us as we observe this day or may incultivate. These …

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Independent Financial Advisors

What You Need To Know About Independent Financial Advisors?

An independent financial advisor is an individual who acts independently, without directly associating with a firm to boost your financial decisions and scalability. If you need to upgrade your financial decisions, a financial advisor may be of great help. They not only help you take proper financial planning to distribute your assets but also maintains …

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Top Mistakes You're Doing While Saving Money

Top Mistakes You’re Doing While Saving Money

Saving your money for the long-term can significantly bring financial stability. But, many people make some crucial mistakes while doing it. Let’s discuss some of the most common mistakes that you’re making while trying to save money, and the steps you can take to avoid them. 1.   Not Setting Financial Goals Without a clear goal …

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100 Minus Age Rule

What is the 100 Minus Age Rule – Everything You Need to Know?

There are various strategies existing for investors to guide them on investing in particular mutual funds, stocks or bonds etc., . One of such rules is the “100 minus age rule”, which aims to align asset allocation with an individual’s age and risk preferences. The rationale behind this rule is that as you get older, …

What is the 100 Minus Age Rule – Everything You Need to Know? Read More »

Financial Freedom Secrets

Financial Freedom Secrets that Will Shock You Beyond Your Imagination

1) If your standard of living is Rs 25,000 per month, you need an SIP of Rs40,000 to be financially free in 10 years. 2) If your standard of living is 50,000 per month, your SIP rises to Rs 80,000 per month. 3) For Rs 1 lac per month standard of living, SIP is Rs …

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Language of Paper Assets

Women Should Learn the Language of Paper Assets – Part 2

Let’s get started It’s time to get started. If any of you decide that paper assets are right for you, the best place to start is by tying up with an expert at MyFinopedia, and learning & clearing doubts or queries if any about a particular investment. Like learning anything new, start by understanding the …

Women Should Learn the Language of Paper Assets – Part 2 Read More »

Ideal Investment Ratio

Ideal Investment Ratio For the Investor Of Any Age Group

Investing needs proper planning. Whether one invests for long-term or short duration,  whether one invests in physical assets or financial assets, one can’t ignore the most  important tenet of Planning.  So how do I plan the investments? What factors should one consider before making the first move for the investments? Is it only investible surplus …

Ideal Investment Ratio For the Investor Of Any Age Group Read More »

Investing Tips For Equity Market

Factors to Consider When Making Investment Decisions

In the past two years approximately, equity fund investors have experienced a roller coaster of  emotions because the equity market moved from multi-year lows in March 2020, to all-time high  within the half-moon of 2021 sailing the emotions from extreme fear to euphoria. Equity market  and emotions go hand in hand. However, reacting to the …

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