Difference Between Mutual Funds and Equity Shares

mutual fund vs equity shares

When it comes to investing, there are a few different options to choose from. Stocks and mutual funds are two of the most recognized. Both offer advantages and disadvantages, so deciding which is the best choice for you might be difficult. In this blog post, we’ll break down the difference between stocks and mutual funds, so you can make an informed decision about which is right for you.

What is a stock?

Stocks, generally known as equities, are a type of security that represents a portion of a publicly listed company’s ownership. When you acquire stock in a firm, you own a portion of that company. A share is a stock unit; the more shares you purchase, the more stock you own in a firm. Companies issue stock to raise funds to expand their operations.

What are Mutual Funds?

A mutual fund is a pool of money that is professionally managed by a Fund Manager.

It is a company that collects money from a group of individuals with similar financial goals and invests it in stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and/or other securities. After deducting appropriate expenses and taxes, the profits generated by this collective investment are dispersed equally among the investors by determining a scheme’s “Net Asset Value” or NAV.

A Mutual Fund is just a pool of money given by a big number of people having the same goal.

Difference between Stocks and Mutual Funds

BasisStocksMutual Funds
KnowledgeDirect stock investment can perform wonders for you if you have the necessary information and experience. However, if you merely gamble in stocks on occasion or rely on third-party recommendations, you should reconsider your decision.Mutual funds work effectively for passive investors who lack the time and skill to handle market swings and read between the numbers because they are managed by fund managers.
DiversificationA portfolio of 10-15 stocks from several industries provides the necessary variety. When you buy a single stock, you gain exposure to the industry in which the firm works.When you invest in a mutual fund, your money is spread across multiple sectors. This is because with the fund the underlying portfolio invests in a variety of industries. It assists in regularly balancing your portfolio and provides an opportunity to increase returns in the long run.
ManagementWhen making an equity investment, you rely completely on your research, expertise, and skills, which may or may not be sufficient in all market conditions. You may be limited in your access to tools and services that could assist you in properly managing your equity investment.Mutual fund institutions employ qualified financial professionals to manage your money as fund managers. Furthermore, the financial institution has access to all of the knowledge and tools needed to administer the funds.
Tax BenefitsThere is no way to save taxes when investing in equities.By investing in tax-saving mutual funds, you can save up to Rm 1.5 lakhs under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961.


We hope this clarifies mutual funds versus stock and which is a better investment opportunity for you. If you want to profit from the inflation-beating gains given by stocks without most of the limitations of direct equity investment but are limited by time and knowledge, mutual funds are the best method to do so.