Credit Suisse Collapse Explained

Credit Suisse Collapse Explained


Founded on 1856 in Zurich, Switzerland Credit Suisse leaded the global financial market also being the world’s largest trusted bank , which provided services such as retail banking, asset management, wealth management, and investment banking.

Credit Suisse is also credited with the task of uplifting the economy of Switzerland not only helping the citizens, international investors but also hundreds of countries abroad. But what happened to this gloriously running international charts topper bank, which faced a huge backlash and financial bankruptcy, finally falling in 2023? Lets explore!

What happened

Numerous financial blunders and emergencies led to Credit Suisse’s downfall.

  • Its partnership with Greensill Capital and Archegos Capital, both of which collapsed individually had caused severe financial distress, resulted in major losses.
  • The bank suffered a significant decline in investor and client confidence from this incident, which got worse by problems with its own governance due to periodic changes in its board of directors often employing incompetent financial members.
  •  The institution faced a financially unstable budget crisis in March 2023 due to an increase in customer withdrawals and a decline in stock prices.

This ultimately led to the institution’s collapse and had an enormous effect on the worldwide banking system.

When Happened

The bank has been dealing with a number of problems for a number of years starting from the July of 2022 after the failure of its partner banks, but the crisis peaked in March 2023. The abrupt surge in client withdrawals added with the sharp decline in the stock price pressured the institution to face its unworkable situation.


  • The most devastating impact was the loss of more than 1,50,000+ livelihoods of dedicated and loyal employees working worldwide.
  • The volatility of the market increased globally, with adverse effects throughout a number of industries. To avoid such disasters, the banking sector across the globe had to rethink and strengthen risk management procedures.
  • This lead to breaking of partnerships between several prominent banking or economically servicing sectors, signifying a crash in the market via decrease stock prices.
  • Due to the collapse, Switzerland’s reputation as an economic safe warehouse was further destroyed, which prompted regulatory measures and increased attention intended to improve financial sector monitoring and control. This caused a huge financial toll on other services.
  • Customers who depended on Credit Suisse for other financial services, such as wealth management, also faced possible losses and disturbances.


  • Management of Risk Errors: The bank suffered significant financial losses as a result of its involvement with Greensill Capital and Archegos Capital, the two of which collapsed significantly.
  • Leadership and Administration Issues: Public confidence was damaged by an ongoing series of scandals as well as regular changes in the management ranks.
  • Regulatory Examination: The bank’s financial standing was furthermore extended by continuous legal proceedings and penalties from regulators.
  • Market Conditions: The bank’s risks were made worse by unfavourable economic conditions and raised volatility in the markets.