Goal Planning

Unique Portfolio Building

MyFinopedia and Its Unique Portfolio Building Forte

MyFinopedia don’t compete but Utilize best of its Expertise Always wanted to build wealth from small investments. MyFinopedia endeavors to understand its investor’s risk appetite with the help of which we can feed the right portfolio. Before being an investor, one is always a human being. A being who has a heart who has some …

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Avenues For Achieving Retirement Goals

Avenues For Achieving Retirement Goals

Avenues For Achieving Retirement Goals Different people use different types of assets in the investment process at different points of time in the retirement planning process. Here are details of a few and the way in which an individual can use them effectively. EquitiesPeople use equities in the retirement planning process to provide the necessary …

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Retirement Planning Steps

5 Basic Steps of Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning ProcessThe retirement planning process consists of several steps. While details might differ from individual to individual, the broad outline remains the same. Set Your Financial GoalsThere is a wide range of areas relating to retirement for which one would like to set goals. One has to remember that the goals here will include …

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Financial Planning Tips

Dreaming with Closed Eyes & Bringing to Reality with Open Eyes

Buying a duplex house; an SUV car; surplus for your kids’ education abroad; Annual international holiday; and last but not the least luxurious post-retirement life; etc. some people dream about it and some even don’t discuss it as they are sure, they will not be able to achieve it with their set income. Do you …

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Ideal Investment Ratio

Ideal Investment Ratio For the Investor Of Any Age Group

Investing needs proper planning. Whether one invests for long-term or short duration,  whether one invests in physical assets or financial assets, one can’t ignore the most  important tenet of Planning.  So how do I plan the investments? What factors should one consider before making the first move for the investments? Is it only investible surplus …

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Childs Financial Future

How to Secure Your Child’s Financial Future

The entire world today goes through the volatility of adjusting economies and increasing day-to-day costs  affecting every sphere of family well-being and security. Financial uncertainties arise unannounced leading to individuals and elders caring of their economic situations basis which depends upon the existence of a future  safeguarded. This signifies the importance of early goal planning …

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Investing Tips For Equity Market

Factors to Consider When Making Investment Decisions

In the past two years approximately, equity fund investors have experienced a roller coaster of  emotions because the equity market moved from multi-year lows in March 2020, to all-time high  within the half-moon of 2021 sailing the emotions from extreme fear to euphoria. Equity market  and emotions go hand in hand. However, reacting to the …

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Personal Finance Planning

What is Personal Financial Planning and Why is It Important?

One doesn’t have to be an expert in economics or accounting to be good at personal finance. All that, one has to do is follow certain rules which are universal like the law of gravity. Personal finance is both a simple concept because all the math one needs to understand is covered in schooling, and …

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Investing Behavioral Biases

Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision-Making

Pirates or Thugs represents the various prejudice investors have which impacts their financial verdicts and averts them from generating wealth. Let us discuss some of the biases in detail so that any investor or future investor can be aware of such pointers and gain much.  The topmost is Loss Aversion bias which is the tendency …

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