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2022 Mutual Fund Investing

2022 Can Be the Right Time For 1st-Time Investors!

If you’re thinking of starting investing in the new year, you’re at the correct place. Here we are discussing why new investors should consider investing in mutual funds to make wealth in order to understand their long-term goals.  As everyone knows, corporate mutual funds invest in very large companies. As per SEBI norms, these schemes …

2022 Can Be the Right Time For 1st-Time Investors! Read More »

Rebalancing Portfolios Stratgey

Rebalancing Portfolios is the New Desideratum Of an Hour

Due to the disparities in returns among various investments, an investor’s initial asset mix will inevitably alter. This transformation may raise or decrease the chance of the investor’s portfolio. Portfolio rebalancing is the process of realigning the weights of a portfolio of assets. It involves the periodic investments or disinvestments of portfolios to take care …

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Defined Benefits And Defined Contribution

Defined Benefits And Defined Contribution

DEFINED BENEFITS AND DEFINED CONTRIBUTIONThese are two major ways in which retirement benefits are received. The nature of the benefits will also impact the way in which the planning process is conducted. The benefits at the time of retirement can come either through defined benefits or the route of defined contributions. Each method has its …

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Unique Retirement Plan

10 Reasons Why Each Person Requires a Unique Retirement Plan

FACTORS THAT WILL IMPACT RETIREMENT PLANNINGThere are several reasons why each person requires a unique retirement plan so that their specific needs are taken care of. LIFESTYLEThe lifestyle maintained by a person has a significant impact on the monetary requirements during retirement planning. Post-retirement, one would like to maintain a lifestyle that is relative to …

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Longterm Wealth Creation

Short Termism Hugely Affects Long-Term Wealth Creation

When investing in the market, an excessive focus is made on short-term results at the expense of an opportunity cost of long-term interests is termed Short-Termism. The said performance pressurizes investors & can result in an excessive focus on quarterly earnings, with least or no attention paid to strategy, fundamentals, and far-sighted value creation. Institutions …

Short Termism Hugely Affects Long-Term Wealth Creation Read More »

Rewards Of Better Returns With Mutual Funds

Slow & Steady Wins The Rewards Of Better Returns With Mutual Funds

2021 was a super-duper year for bourses. Markets achieved new heights and added to investors’ wealth. But as the year was coming to end, the new variant of the pandemic, Omicron, spooked investors, and markets saw a serious correction. The Sensex and the Nifty diminished, leaving investors scary. New things have started on a dangerous …

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Investor’s Behavioral Psychology

Reminding 3B’s Of Investor’s Behavioral Psychology

Behaviorism could be a theory of learning that supported the concept that everyone’s behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. It is believed that our responses to surroundings stimuli in designing our acts. Behavioral psychology is that the root of each financial decision we make. The thought behind behavioral psychology …

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Retirement Planning Steps

5 Basic Steps of Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning ProcessThe retirement planning process consists of several steps. While details might differ from individual to individual, the broad outline remains the same. Set Your Financial GoalsThere is a wide range of areas relating to retirement for which one would like to set goals. One has to remember that the goals here will include …

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ESG Investing

(ESG) Environmental, Social, Governance Investing & Analysis

An ESG-compliant portfolio is riding on the boom. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. Funds whose asset allocation mostly includes shares and/or bonds of companies that are evaluated based on Environmental, Social, and Governance factors are called ESG Funds. Investors are increasingly approaching such moral factors as part of their analysis to identify material …

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