My Finopedia

Myfinopedia informs its users to decide which alternative is appropriate for them as per their understanding of the markets after getting clear pictures of the intricacies involved.

Fee-Only Financial Advisor

Why We Need Fee-Only Financial Advisor?

A fee-only financial advisor provides financial planning advice or consultation services and manages your personal finance.  These advisors are paid on a flat-fee basis for their service and in return, they provide you with the best financial pieces of advice that enhance your investment portfolio. They work for your profit and in return charges a …

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Stock Market Crash

How to Protect Investments From Stock Market Crash ?

The upward trend seen in the market was coined to be a delightful time for investors of all sectors.  There are various reasons for the roaring momentum including record Foreign Investment Inflows (FII)  and direct participation within the stock exchange from new and young investors. But, like all intricacies,  this has the propensity to change. …

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Investing Behavioral Biases

Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision-Making

Pirates or Thugs represents the various prejudice investors have which impacts their financial verdicts and averts them from generating wealth. Let us discuss some of the biases in detail so that any investor or future investor can be aware of such pointers and gain much.  The topmost is Loss Aversion bias which is the tendency …

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Investing at a young age

How to Start Investing at an Early Age

Once we start earning, we tend to accumulate a minimum of 2 years of saving and sacrifice—sweat and overtime to start investing outside for retirement. Invest once you have started earning. There’s a misconception that one needs plenty of cash to start out investing in stocks, mutual funds, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). this can …

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Covid19 Financial Planning

Financial Planning During COVID-19 Crisis

The economic fallout has caused a seismic shift in the attitude towards savings & investments. Job losses, salary cuts, and shutdowns in businesses have flipped lives for many, the impacts of which are devastating for those whose finances were already in delicate shape. The income uncertainties, the fear of contracting the infection, and also the …

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Stocks Market Retail Investors

Retail Investor Participation in Indian Stock Market

Indians for long have considered investing in equity a risky bet and even today, many of our  family heads stay away from it. They have a strong tilt towards saving options like bank deposits  and small savings instruments, which offered good, stable and low-risk returns. But, as interest  rates fell against the inflation rate and …

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Benefits Of Mutual Funds

Mutual Fund Investment Benefits You May Not Know !

When you think of investing in mutual funds two things often struck your mind: ‘returns’ and ‘other benefits’. Mutual Funds have become one of the most popular choices of investment in India. A mutual fund is type of investment that pools the money of the investors together into one investment managed by highly trained professionals. …

Mutual Fund Investment Benefits You May Not Know ! Read More »

Coronavirus Health Insurance

Best Coronavirus Health Insurance India 2022

It’s been years that the world is fighting the deadly novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). According to the reports of the World Health Organisation (WHO), more than 860k lives have been claimed by this virus and around 26 million people have been infected (as of 02 September 2020). This has led to the shut down of schools, …

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All About SIP Mutual Fund

How Does SIP Work? When to Invest in SIP ? Types Of SIP?

SIP Scheme is an investment option where instead of putting a lump sum amount into mutual funds, the investors can invest a certain amount of money in mutual funds over a while. The investors can start SIPs at just INR 500 per month. SIP returns help them to accumulate wealth over a large period.  Once …

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